Legal services

Downie Stewart Prokureurs

Ons bied kwaliteit diens en kennis teen 'n billike prys.

By Downie Stewart  beoog ons om jou te voorsien van doeltreffende, hoë kwaliteit diens teen ‘n redelike prys. Wanneer ons ‘n projek begin bestudeer sal ons graag ‘n afspraak met jou wil reël om jou vereistes te bespreek, te bepaal wat jy wil bereik en hoe jy graag wil hê ons jou moet bystaan.


At Downie Stewart, our aim is to provide you with an efficient, high quality service at a reasonable cost.  When first scoping a project, we will meet with you to discuss your requirements, determine what you are wanting to achieve and how you would like us to help you.


Contact Downie Stewart Prokureurs

(03) 477 2263
Level 8, John Wickliffe House, 265 Princes St, Dunedin 9016
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