Tarryn du Plessis Photography
My liefde vir fotografie het waarlik begin gedurende een van ons vele gesinsvakansies saam rondom Afrika. Ons was in Namibië en terwyl ek op die dak van my pa se Land Rover gestaan het toe hy kamp opgeslaan het, het ek ’n foto van die sonsondergang geneem.
Ek het na die sonsondergang gekyk deur die akasiabome met die mooiste vertoning van pienk, oranje en blou. Dit was met dié wat ek verlief geraak het op die vaslê van beelde wat met my hart praat.
Een van my eerste herinneringe van die neem van foto’s is toe ek omtrent 5 jaar oud was.
Ek het my ouers se mik-en-druk-kamera gevind – in die dae van film – en op loop gegaan met die neem van foto’s van my babapop.
Ek het die hele rol van 36 foto’s opgebruik. Verbeel jou my ouers se verbasing toe hulle die film laat ontwikkel het.
Daardie passie duur vandag nog voort deur die beelde wat ek vir my kliënte vaslê terwyl hulle hulself uitleef!
My dienste sluit in:
’n Troue is meer as net ’n troue – dit is die nefie of niggie wat jy in jare nie gesien het nie, jou beste vriend, dit is die tannie van oorsee, die band met jou ouers – dit is al hierdie belangrike mense wat jou dag onvergeetlik maak, en watter beter manier om die belangrikste dag van jou lewe te onthou as met ’n trou-album.
Met foto’s wat vir die duur van jou troudag geneem word, laat ek jou storie skep en verseker dat daardie herinneringe nie verdof nie deur dit in ’n album te vertoon wat sal verseker dat dié dag vir nog baie jare onthou sal word.
Ons neem elke dag foto’s van ons kinders, maar hoe dikwels sien ons kinders daardie foto’s.
As deel van ons kinders se ontwikkelingsfase is dit voordelig vir hulle om hul gesin as ’n geheel te sien, en hulself as deel van die geheel uitgebeeld te sien.
Laat ek daardie band vir jou kind vaslê om na terug te kyk en deel daarvan te voel.
My love of photography really began during one of our many family holidays together around Africa. We were in Namibia and whilst standing on the roof of my father’s Land Rover as he set up camp, I took a photo of the sunset.
I watched the sunset through the acacia trees with the most beautiful displays of pinks, oranges and blues. It was at that moment that I fell in love with capturing images that speak to my heart.
One of my first memories of taking pictures was when I was about 5 years old.
I found my parents’ point-and-shoot camera – back in the day of film – and went to town taking pictures of my baby doll.
I went through the entire spool of 36 image. Imagine my folks’ surprise when they had that film developed!
Today, that passion continues through the images I capture for my clients as they live their best lives!
My services include:
Wedding photography
A wedding is more than just a wedding – it’s the cousin you haven’t seen in years, your best friend, it’s the aunt from overseas, the bond with your parents – all these important people are what make up your memorable day, and what better way to remember the most important day of your life than with a wedding album.
With photographs captured throughout your wedding day, let me create your story and ensure those memories don’t fade by showcasing them in an album that will ensure you’ll remember the day for many years to come.
Family photography
We take photos of our children everyday, but how often do our children see those photographs.
As part of our children’s developmental stages, it is beneficial for them to physically see their family as a whole, and to see themselves represented as a part of that whole .
Let me capture that bond for your child to look back on and feel part of.