Accounting/Financial services
Brighten Accountants
Brighten Accountants bied topgehaltediens aan kliënte regoor Australië, deur van innoverende wolktegnologie gebruik te maak om met toewyding die beste rekeningkundige en belastingoplossings aan elke kliënt te bied. Ons kliënte bestaan uit individue, vennootskappe, trusts, maatskappye en selfbestuurde superfondse uit die konstruksie-, gesondheids-, ambags-, myn-, landbou-, eiendomsbeleggings- en konsultasiebedryf.
Brighten Accountants is deur Tascha Breytenbach op die been gebring. Sy het haar Baccalaureus in Rekeningkunde aan die Universiteit van Pretoria in Suid-Afrika verwerf en haar honneurs aan Unisa (die Universiteit van Suid-Afrika) voltooi.
Nadat sy in 2016 na Australië verhuis het, het sy aan die University of the Sunshine Coast gestudeer om as ’n belastingagent in Australië te kan registreer. Sy het ook vir drie jaar by verskeie plaaslike boekhoupraktyke aan die Sunshine Coast gewerk. In 2019 het sy haar eie praktyk, Brighten Accountants, begin.
Brighten Accountants provide top quality services to customers throughout Australia, through innovative cloud technology and dedication to find the best accounting and tax solutions for each client. Our clients include individuals, partnerships, trusts, companies and self-managed super funds from the construction, health, trades, mining, farming, property investment and consulting industries.
Brighten Accountants was started by Tascha Breytenbach. She completed her Bachelor’s in Accounting at The University of Pretoria in South Africa and obtained her honours at UNISA (the University of South Africa).
After moving to Australia in 2016, Tascha studied at the University of the Sunshine Coast to register as a Tax Agent in Australia. In addition, she worked at various local accounting practices on the Sunshine Coast for three years. In 2019 she started her own practice, Brighten Accountants.