Restaurant, Tourism, travel and relaxation

Brookfield Maze

Family outing at the Maze

Let Tania and Francois be your hosts for the day. 

Weave through our traditional hedge maze, play hide and seek in our extensive gardens and immerse yourself in fun family games before heading to the cafe for lunch. Come for the day or even stay for the weekend to rest and rejuvenate in our countryside oasis.


Beweeg deur ons tradisionele heiningdoolhof, speel wegkruipertjie in ons groot tuine en raak betrokke by prettige gesinspeletjies voordat jy na die restaurant gaan vir middagete. Kom vir die dag of bly selfs vir die naweek om te ontspan in ons plattelandse oase.


Contact Brookfield Maze

(03) 5729 7507
1121 Benalla-Whitfield Rd, Myrrhee VIC 3732, Australia
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