
Elizabeth Jones Photography

Lifestyle Photographer

Ek is ’n kontemporêre lewenstylfotograaf geleë in die Wellington-area (NS) en neem sedert 2016 professionele foto’s in Nieu-Seeland en Australië. My dienste sluit in troues, gesinslewenstylsessies, geleenthede en visuele inhoud vir ondernemings se webtuistes en sosiale media.

Ek het altyd foto’s geneem en alles gedokumenteer. Ek het dit vir baie jare gedoen en toe rondom 2005 het ek besluit om fotografie te studeer en ’n stokperdjie in ’n beroep te verander. My fotografie het in só mate verbeter dat ek besluit het om in Elizabeth Jones Photography te begin.

Ek hou daarvan om natuurlike foto’s van mense te neem. Ek is mal oor dié oomblik in my foto’s. My sessies is natuurlik en gemaklik. Ek sal jou help om te ontspan en ongelooflike foto’s neem.


I am a contemporary lifestyle photographer located in the Wellington area (NZ) and have taken professional photographs in New Zealand and in Australia since 2016. My service includes weddings, family lifestyle sessions, events and visual content for business websites and social media.

I have always taken photos and documented everything. I did that for many years, and then around 2005, I decided to study photography and turn a hobby into a profession. My photography improved to the extent that I decided to start Elizabeth Jones Photography in 2016.

I like to take natural photos of people. I love the moment in my photographs. My sessions are natural and easy-going. I will help you to relax and take amazing photos.

Contact Elizabeth Jones Photography

+64 21 296 2670
7 Glenrae Grove, Silverstream, Silverstream, New Zealand
Connect on Social Media

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