
Knox Presbyterian Church Guelph

Welkom alle Suid Afrikaners in die Guelph omgewing

Die Presbiteriaanse gemeente Knox Guelph is ‘n familie vriendelike gemeente en kan ‘n wonderlike geestelike tuiste bied vir Suid Afrikaners in die Guelph omgewing. Knox se leraar is ‘n oud Suid Afrikaner wat in 2003 na Kanada verhuis het.

Knox Presbyterian  Church is a family based congregation which could become a church home for South Africans in the Guelph area. The lead minister at Knox is a born South African that immigrated to Canada in 2003.

Contact Knox Presbyterian Church Guelph

5 198 210 141
20 Quebeq street Guelph, ON, N1H2T4
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