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Meat Point Switzerland

Sausages/boerewors, bacon, biltong, droëwors, pies, fresh Swiss meat and more. Hand-made in Switzerland, using traditional methods & recipes on locally sourced meat.

Dit is nie net nog ’n winkel met ekspats as eienaars nie, ook nie ’n gewone deli, of ’n vervelige wynboetiek nie. By Meat Point verkoop ons boerewors, spek, biltong, droëwors, pasteie, vars Switserse vleis en meer. Dit word met die hand gemaak in Switserland deur tradisionele metodes en resepte op vleis wat plaaslik verkry is, te gebruik.

Ons vervaardig, in vennootskap met Closwa, beesbiltong en ander gedroogde produkte in Namibië en voer dit in na Switserland en die EU.


Not just another expat grocery store, neither an ordinary deli, nor a boring wine boutique. At Meat Point we sell boerewors, bacon, biltong, droëwors, pies, fresh Swiss meat and more. It is made by hand in Switzerland, using traditional methods and recipes on locally sourced meat.

In partnership with Closwa, we manufacture beef biltong and other dried products in Namibia and import it to Switzerland and the EU.

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