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Looking for migration inspiration? Then Merise is the answer! Subscribe today to our newsletter by visiting our webpage at

Op soek na migrasie-inspirasie? Dan is Merise die antwoord! Teken vandag in deur ons webtuiste by te besoek. Merise hou gereelde sosiale en besigheidsnetwerkgeleenthede Kyk uit vir jou uitnodiging op ons Facebook-bladsy of nuusbrief.

Merise is ’n nuusbrief vir die hele gesin wat jou leer hoe om in ’n nuwe land aan en in te pas. Sy is jou nuwe vriendin in die vreemde.

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Looking for migration inspiration? Then Merise is the answer! Subscribe today to our newsletter by visiting our webpage at Merise regularly hosts social and business networking events. Look out for your invitation on our Facebook page or in our newsletter.

Merise is a newsletter for the whole family that writes about adjusting to and fitting into a new country. She is your new best friend abroad.

Contact Merise

893 032 116
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