Proudly South African, Retail
Mufasa Biltong Deli
Mufasa Biltong het die perfekte peuselhappies vir naweke, vermaak, en vir wanneer jy jou gunsteling sport kyk. Ons biltong word voorberei volgens tradisionele Suid-Afrikaanse resepte en is van die hoogste gehalte. Ons winkel is by verre die skoonste en beste toegerus met die grootste verskeidenheid gedroogde vleise in Westelike Australië. Kom loer gerus in, kuier saam met ons en plaas jou besigheidskaartjie op ons kennisgewingbord – dit is gratis aan al ons kliëntre en dit is ‘n goeie manier om te netwerk.
Made with traditional recipes all the way from South Africa, Mufasa Biltong has the perfect snacks for weekends, entertaining and watching your favorite sport! Our medium size shop is by far the cleanest, best stocked with the biggest selection of dried meats in WA. Come in, meet and greet, place your business card on our display board – it is free to all our customers and it is a great way to network.