Proudly South African

South African Expat Store – Austin TX

We are a South African store based in Austin, Texas, specialising in your favourite grocery products from South Africa.

Feeling homesick? That’s where this story begins. Having to move to a new place can be frightening and difficult. Learning new traditions, customs, and culture can make anyone miss their own way of life. Being away from home for 20+ years can make anyone homesick but sometimes having a piece from home can help with that. Our goal is to make a home away from home by showing off some of the beauty of our motherland through the pieces we have created. We enjoy what we do and hope that you can find some joy in these pieces as well.

We are a South African store based in Austin, Texas, specialising in your favourite grocery products from South Africa. Whether you are looking for your favourites, customised clothing, or home décor, we have it all!

Verlang jy terug huis toe? Dit is waar hierdie storie begin. Om na ’n nuwe plek toe te trek kan skrikwekkend en moeilik wees. Om gewoond te raak aan nuwe tradisies, gebruike en ’n nuwe kultuur sal meebring dat enigiemand hul ou, bekende lewe mis. As jy al langer as 20 jaar weg is van die huis af raak die verlange erg, maar dit help as jy ’n stukkie van die huis by jou het om dinge makliker te maak. Ons doel is om ’n huis weg van die huis af te skep deur die skoonheid van ons geboorteland ten toon te stel met die produkte wat ons skep. Ons geniet wat ons doen en hoop dat hierdie produkte vir jou ook ’n bietjie vreugde kan verskaf.

Ons is ’n Suid-Afrikaanse winkel in Austin, Texas en ons spesialiseer in jou gunsteling- Suid-Afrikaanse produkte. Of jy nou op soek is na ’n ou gunsteling, pasgemaakte klere, of huisdekor, ons bied dit alles!

Contact South African Expat Store – Austin TX

+1 512 435 7044
Sunset Valley, Texas 78745, USA
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