The Local Lens
The Local Lens is gebore uit ’n begeerte om pragtige, tydlose beelde te lewer wat die vreugde en egtheid van ons lewens weerspieël.
Ek hou daarvan om aan my werk te dink as ’n samesmelting tussen sowel geposeerde as leefstylfotografie. Alles wat ek doen is baie doelbewus. Ek probeer natuurlike oomblikke vasvang wat gebeur deur rekwisiete in my sessies te gebruik. Ek vang groot en klein detail vas, en ek poog om oomblikke vas te vang wat jou iets laat voel.
The Local Lens was born out of a desire to deliver beautiful, timeless images that reflect the joy and authenticity of our lives.
I like to think of my work as a fusion between both posed and lifestyle photography. Everything I do is very intentional. I try to capture natural moments that happen by using prompts in my sessions. I capture details big and small, and I aim to capture moments that make you feel something.
Contact The Local Lens