Healthcare, Immigration services

DrGerda UNbecoming

Less is more

Gerda Scholtz is a South African born, trained and registered medical doctor who practiced as a GP while also running a top awarded medical weight loss clinic for 24 years in Johannesburg. She has obtained Level 2 Life Coaching with NLP in Australia and is an International Coaching Federation member.

Gerda and her family jumped at the unexpected opportunity to relocate to Perth, Australia. Because she had no time to prepare for her new life and had to reinvent herself, she is now the owner of three Australian businesses.

Since Gerda has firsthand experience in the challenges faced by migrants, especially professionals and their children, she has a passion to coach migrants from barely surviving emotionally to become thriving residents in their new country. Gerda understands the trauma and anxiety of leaving a life, community, family, friends, connections and status behind and to start from scratch. She firmly believes that you have everything to be a successful and happy migrant within you and will coach you to the top through her business, DrGerda UNbecoming.

Contact DrGerda UNbecoming

+61 452 564 713
Perth Western Australia, Australia
Connect on Social Media

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