Beauty services, Proudly South African

SoyLites Ireland

More than just a candle! Bring more light, aroma and wellbeing into your life.

You will want to get your hands on these wonderful South African products, they truly are amazing! More than just a candle, the melted oil is wonderful on the skin!

Having used this premium soy candle product in South Africa, we felt that Ireland really needed to experience this product first hand. So we have partnered with SoyLites in South Africa to bring in these unique products to Ireland.

We have brought in a selected range of the Body candles they offer as well as some of the massage range. Feel free to see what other products they offer on their website and get more of the history behind them.

Our product features and benefits, appeal to the eco-friendly discerning consumer. But what really sets SoyLites candles apart is the tried and tested quality of our soy wax as a dual purpose candle – a body product and an aromatherapy soy candle in one.

Bring more light, aroma and wellbeing into your life. Enhance your everyday living and ignite your senses!

Please like or follow our social media pages (links below) for the latest updates on specials and at which markets around Ireland we’ll be showcasing our candles.

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